Monday, January 23, 2012

Art Gallery Top Picks

The show up in Conard is awesome! I can't pick a favorite, but we're being forced to, so I have to.

Paparazzi Bot - I love how people are drawn to this work and then immediately get shy around it. People are afraid to step inside the ring, or to get their picture taken or whatever. The robot itself is very cool. I like how there is some complex computer work going on with the motion sensors and everything, and yet everything is so "obvious" and mechanical. There is a camera on top of a tripod powered by a visible battery and motherboard. The camera is being pressed by a piston, not even some sort of automated computer program, just a stick pressing a button. Also the robot looks like Johnny Five a bit.

BEEP BOOP - This thing is SUPER annoying when you're in the room for more than 5 minutes, but after a while it just becomes ambiance and sets the mood for the entire show. It's the first thing I heard when I entered the gallery and I immediately wanted to know where the source was coming from. It really gives the whole room a "space tech" feel. So maybe I do like it....I still want to punt it out the window though.

The red phone  Hotline- I don't think this had a name. This is probably my favorite piece. Everyone was so afraid to pick up the phone, myself included. I had no idea who it would call or if someone was going to answer, or if the girl from the ring was about to tell me I have a week to live or what. Secretly I hoped that it would call Batman or the Power Puff Girls or something.

1 comment:

  1. These are three of my favorite as well. The phone piece is called "hotline"...
